Today is my 33rd birthday, which means for the next week I am going to transition into my new self-schooling.

This year I am going to focus on writing, but there are a few other things I want to do as well...actually, a lot of things, but I am trying to focus on the most important ones.
I have made myself a chart modeled on a pretty one I discovered this year, and it looks like this:

Basically, I will fill in the squares with colour if I have accomplished my pre-determined goal for the day. It will keep me honest, and show me if I need to step up my work in any of those areas. These are the four things I really want to make into daily habits this year:
1. Writing 2. Raw Food 3. Exercise 4. Meditation
Raw food will be an easy one since I have been doing it for 2.5 years, though I could do it BETTER - I will write out some guidelines for myself (like...instead of cacao/honey/cashew for breakfast, have a green smoothie or some micronutrients instead, like bee pollen).
Exercise will consist of walking, hiking, swimming, hooping, and yoga/pilates - something I have been meaning to do for so long, and with the future purpose of making me strong and limber for my surfing year (when I was previously living in a surfing town and going surfing on a regular basis, my endurance, upper body strength, and flexibility sucked, so I want to be very in shape and nimble when I start again - I did have great paddling skills, though, after a while).
Meditation is something I want to do to center myself when I wake up, and look deep within myself. I have overcome a lot of issues in the last couple of years - at least for the most part. I still have a lot to work on, especially regarding my irritability levels and procrastination. Mostly the former. I constantly work on my patience because it is an important attribute I desire to have. It is not something that comes naturally to me - since changing my diet (which used to be VERY HIGH in sugar) and living with 19+ people in the surf town (Tofino), my patience levels have increased...a LOT.
And of course, writing. I want to do this as a daily practice, and more than just journaling, which I already do every day. I have kept diaries for 21 years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. For the past year I have kept it up every single day, which I've never done before. Even if it's a short entry, I still do it. There have been times where I go long periods without, and instead wrote in an online journal (which I have done for 10 years), but nothing is like writing for yourself.
I am going to school myself in writing. I have chosen the following as "textbooks" - 2 per month for 2011 (most of these I have owned for years and not read yet):
1. Sin and Syntax - Constance Hale
2. A Passion for Narritive - Jack Hodgins
3. Bird by Bird - Anne Lammot
4. Zen in the Art of Writing - Ray Bradbury
5. The Creative Habit - Twyla Tharp
6. Writing Down the Bones - Natalie Goldberg
7. On Writing - Stephen King
8. If You Want to Write - Brenda Ueland
9. Wild Mind: Living the Writer's Life
10. Negotiating With the Dead - Margaret Atwood
11. The Elements of Style - William Strunk + E.B. White
12. The Right to Write - Julia Cameron
13. Writing Life Stories - Bill Roorbach
14. The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron
15. On Writing Well - William Zinsser
16. Becoming a Writer - Dorothea Brande
17. The Writer's Journey - Christopher Vogler
18. The Art of Non-Fiction - Ayn Rand
19: The Hero With a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell
20. The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
21. The Art of Fiction - Ayn Rand
22. Word Painting - Rebecca McClanahan
23. Eats, Shoots & Leaves - Lynn Truss
24. The Joy of Writing - Pierre Burton
+ The Renaissance Soul - Margaret Lobenstine
+ The Heroine's Journey - Maureen Murdock
+ Style Statement - Danielle LaPorte
+ Problogger - Darren Rowse
I don't want to assign myself too many books because I find new ones to read all the time (it happens even more than it used to since I've worked in a bookstore for 2 years) and need some freedom, or I know I'll deviate and go on a tangent. As long as I can stick to my original goal most of the time, I'm golden. I do well with structure.
I will also review all of these books!
I've set up my table to be a desk for writing with lots of goodies - all the books I want to read that I currently own, plus some new delicious Moleskines (check out the giant sketchbook one!) I just got myself for Christmas presents.

My goal is to write for at least 2 hours a day. I have an entire book sitting in my head (it has been there for years) and a series idea, too. Both need to be written, so these are mainly what I am going to work on, though I want to branch out and try different styles of writing to broaden my horizons and get a lot of variety in there. Variety is good soul food.
If you know of any other fantastic books or resources, please let me know in the comments!
Happy Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteI think this is such an amazing idea. This inspires me!
Thank you very much! I'm glad you think it's a good idea - when I had it I knew I had to take action on it - I get lots of ideas, but this was one I knew I HAD to do.
ReplyDeleteThe Stephen King book is surprisingly awesome, the Campbell one is pretty great too. Milan Kundera has a book on writing (the title of which escapes me) that I really liked. Just a thought.
ReplyDeletePretty awesome idea all around.
Cool, I will check it out! Thanks Josh :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent! Congratulations, this is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteAlso, happy b-day fellow Sag! I hope the coming year brings you knowledge and clarity with the help of your newly-instituted system. *mwa*
Thanks! (Actually I am a Capricorn, technically...but I seem to be much more of a Sag, based on things I've read. I'm a SAGICORN.)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like it, thanks for commenting :)
Happy belated Birthday! I hope you had a great time.
ReplyDeleteWell, if you don't have one yet, I recommend a nice dictionary. It's always good to have one handy. ;-) For an online version, Cambridge is my favorite -
Moleskine is a great incentive indeed... They are beautiful.
Go Lorra go! \o/
I am doing "The Artists Way" this year too.. very excited!
ReplyDeleteCool, good luck with it!! :)
ReplyDeleteGleydson, I always use online dictionaries! Hehe. Maybe I should get a nice one.
ReplyDeleteThe Art of the Personal Essay = Philip Lopate
ReplyDeleteI am quite impressed with your goal and exercise in self care/self improvement. I wish you much success.
Danielle La Porte's website is filled with motivating posts and essays. I have found most of the content really thought provoking and helpful.
Thanks! Danielle is my favourite blogger!